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Chicago Chik

My experiences as a Big Chick in the Windy City. The home of the hot dog, deep dish pizza, gangsters and political corruption.

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Big men

For most of my adult life I was under the impression that big men, guys over 6’2 and weighted over 220 lbs, were proportioned to their body, big hands, big feet, and in keeping with that line of thought, big dicks. But cruel world that this is, I have been proven wrong, TWICE! The first time I hooked up with a big guy I was so excited; He was 6’4, and 225 lbs. I looked at his big hands and even bigger feet and thought oh goodie I’m going to get it good today. When I finally saw him naked, tears welled up in my eyes, I wanted to cry, and it was the smallest penis I had ever seen. And I’m no spring chicken I’ve seen quite a few. He then proceeded to tell me that some girl had told him that he had “a grower” it may seem small now but when it gets hard it would be extra large, which of course it didn’t. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Don’t men know that sometimes a girl will just say stuff to inflate a guy’s ego? That was disappointment number one. Last night I had my encounter with the second big guy he was 6’3, 215lbs. Built like a football player but his penis was shaped like a mushroom, it had a big head, small shaft, and less than five inches long. Poor thing, he did what he could.

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