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My experiences as a Big Chick in the Windy City. The home of the hot dog, deep dish pizza, gangsters and political corruption.

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Do good lovers still exist?

Why is it so hard to find someone that is actually good in bed. I've had my share of bad experiences in the bedroom, from guys who have a problem with pre-mature ejaculation, to men who actually don't know how to fuck, to guys who are more interested in getting their ass plugged, to men that have never heard of fore play, and the jack rabbit fuckers who afterwards have enough balls to ask "did you cum, baby?" Plus, I was surprised to find out how many men actually suffered from erectile dysfunction. It's so sad.

I love having sex!!! It's my favorite pass time; but after a while it just gets too damn frustrating. I'm not asking for any lovey dovey crap!! I don't need to hear any sweet words and afterwards I usually just get up and go home, I don't need to cuddle. I'm a very sexual person, I just want to get laid and by someone who's actually good in bed!!! Is that too much to ask for? Can we make the sex last more than five minutes??

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1 Responses to “Do good lovers still exist?”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Good lovers don't exist! they either cum in their pants, cum all over the bed or just want to lick ass all damn day! Their should be classes for men to learn how to give a good fuck! In the end once again its women who get screwed! We have to get a big as dildo and insert the damn jack hammer in ourselfs to get any kind of satisfaction! What the hell has this world come to when men are bitches and can't screw like men anymore and leave women wanting to insert a barrel in our vaginas!

    Sex was once good - or so I hear  

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