Have men become lazy in bed?
0 Comments Published by chicago chik on Friday, October 06, 2006 at 11:38 AM.

One of my last lovers was definitely lazy in bed. I always did the majority of the fore play; I was always on top because he just wanted to lie there, and then I had to plug him in the ass. I was doing all the damn work!! It wasn't fair! Was he really the bitch here or what? What do you I have to do to find a real man! One who likes to dominate a woman in bed?
Since when have men become the Bitches in bed? Do you consider yourself to be dominant in bed? Please let me know...
Technorati Tags:
lazy lovers, men, ass plug, fore play
Since when have men become the Bitches in bed? Do you consider yourself to be dominant in bed? Please let me know...
Technorati Tags:
lazy lovers, men, ass plug, fore play
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